Whether you are doing a shamanic journey, pulling tarot cards or doing some automatic writing, you may need ideas for questions. Sometimes when we are practicing we need good ideas for prompts. Because "what do I need to know" can get a little boring after the 500th time, here is my master list of questions I love to share! Want more ideas? Check out my favorite tarot spreads and automatic writing prompts for more ideas.
What does my pet want me to know?
Why did I decide to come back to this life?
What are my strengths?
What should I know about _________ (person/situation/family/finances/career)?
___________ (loved one/spirit guide) wants me to know....
Who was I in a past life?
What is my biggest obstacle right now?
How can I help others?
How can I attract more __________ (money/peace/calm)?
How can I improve my life?
How can I get motivated?
What is my ______________ (psychic/relationship/money) bad habit?
What can I learn if I decide to ____________?
Check back often, I'm always adding to this list!